In spite of even more difficult winter weather, it was great week. This has been the snowiest, coldest winter I remember in the 20-ish years I've lived in Michigan. On Tuesday we experienced the feel of 3 seasons - winter, spring and fall - in the span of a day. It rained, snowed, rain/snowed, roads flooded, temps in the 40s, then freezing, and we even saw lightening that night, while it was snowing!!! All the while, the wind was blowing up to 50 mph at times. Ugh!
Wednesday night Scott had a stand-up show at
Connexions Comedy Club in Lansing. He has a natural talent for making people laugh. It's like he was born with a microphone in his hand! I was able to video it this time, so you can watch it
here if you want. (Beware, the content is NOT kid-friendly) He's been spending quite a bit of time at Connexions on Wednesday nights lately and really enjoying it.
Scott's been doing stand-up comedy for years - he was a regular at Connexions - but he backed off from it for a while due to time constraints. He's also done theater and on-air/radio work. He truly loves all of it, and he's working on building up his resume and picking up more gigs. I'm so proud of him!

I discovered a food company today that I'm really excited about. It's called UNREAL Candy. I found it at Target of all places and bought the peanut butter cups. The packaging caught my attention, and I picked it up and read the label. They've taken strides to replace the cheap, processed ingredients found in traditional candy with real food ingredients. For instance, the peanut butter cups are sweetened with cane sugar and organic palm sugar, and includes other tree nuts, instead of the processed sugar and dextrose found in Reese's peanut butter cups. The company produces other look-a-likes: M&M and Milky Way - like candy. I bought the peanut butter cups, and they taste just as good as Reese's. Yum!!!
I looked the UNREAL Candy company up online when I got home: and read their story. It was started because a 13 year old boy asked, "Why do the foods we love the most have to be so bad for us?" It's encouraging to see a main-stream 'super-store' carrying a product like this. Kudos to Target.
Today was a shopping day with my daughter. Along with the trip to Target you just read about, we went to Ulta and each got over $100 of makeup for just over $20! That's my kind of shopping!!! We caught Ulta at a great time. :) And I totally enjoyed my afternoon with Shelby.
I hope you all had a great week and are working on a great weekend!