I headed to the gym at 5:15 am with a half banana and my amino energy drink. My workout today was mostly cardio - a "core builder" circuit routine (be sure to check out my post on Saturday for details).
After the gym, I came home and made oatmeal with protein powder, peanut butter and honey... and a cup of coffee with almond milk and honey.
For lunch I had two chicken drumsticks left over from last night's dinner, followed by an oatmeal butterscotch cookie (eek! - it's been an oatmeal kind of day).

Did you see my post on Door to Door Organics a few weeks ago? They deliver organic vegetables and fruit on a regular basis (every week, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.). I got a delivery today, which included the broccoli I used on my potato. If you haven't checked this out yet, it's definitely worth a few minutes: https://michigan.doortodoororganics.com

One of my favorite breakfasts. I had it this morning after my workout too. :)