Sunday, September 8, 2013

September is Self-Improvement Month

According to this month’s edition of Success Magazine, September is self-improvement month. What are some things you do to grow in key areas of your life? Some of my favorite things to do to keep me moving forward are:

  • Listen to CDs or podcasts while I’m driving on topics like fitness, healthy eating, fulfilling careers, positive thinking, professional development, leadership, etc.
  • Read books by people who inspire me on topics in the above categories.
  • Buy my two favorite magazines – Success and Muscle andFitness Hers - each time a new edition comes out and read from cover to cover. I learn about new people and ideas in the industries I’m interested in most: fitness and entrepreneurship.
  • Network, network, network. Some really great connections can be made when  you’re out and about as much as possible.

There’s a calendar on page 12 of the September, 2013 edition of Success that lists one activity you can do each day to intentionally work on self-improvement. These are some great ideas.

Let's pick one thing and do it together. My challenge to you this month is to buy or check out from your library a book or audio book that will teach or remind you of some important things you can implement into your life or that will motivate you to work toward a goal. Set aside 30 minutes each day to read or listen to it. Who's with me?

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