Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 6: Strong Facing Temptation

Today is day 6 on the 21 Day Sugar Detox plan I’m doing. 

Yesterday was a good day overall. Work went well; I was busy all day and had plenty of energy. After work, my hubby and I met some friends at a restaurant downtown. That was my first step off the menu, and I was a little bit anxious that it would be difficult to stay with my plan. 

The appetizer menu had loaded potato skins, and they were topped with cheese, bacon and green onions. Other than not knowing how the potatoes were prepared (they could have been prepared using trans-fats when they were cooked, but I’m pretty sure no sugar was used), the ingredients in the dish sounded like they fit otherwise, so that’s what I ordered. Others around the table had pizza, big pretzels and wings. I was ok sticking with my own food, and I didn’t feel cheated. I was having a lot of fun with good friends.

When we got home, I didn’t feel like getting on the computer, so I’m covering both yesterday and today in this post.

Yesterday breakfast was four slices of bacon, an egg scrambled with shredded cheese, half of a green apple and coffee with coconut milk.
Lunch was leftover mustard glazed chicken thighs and brown rice. I LOVE that chicken recipe (did I say that before?). Around 3:00 I ate a banana with almond butter for a snack. Then we went out for dinner. It was a good day.

It's about 6:00 pm Saturday as I write this post. I slept in till about 9:00 this morning and had a banana with almond butter with my coffee/coconut milk for breakfast. At 10:00 I had a hair appointment - shout out to Jessica Roberts. When I got home I had bacon and an egg again. I just made the shepherd's pie from the book for dinner.
My challenge tonight is that my daughter made a big batch of puppy chow - you know, that yummy, chex, chocolate, peanut butter, powdered sugar snack. She, her boyfriend, my husband and son will be snacking on it. It's ok though. I was strong in the face of temptation last night. I can do it tonight too. :)


  1. Hi Wendy!

    Paul from the 21DSD forums here (and from Thoughtful Cave Dad). I love the photos of your meals, they look delicious! And Congrats on navigating the "going out to eat" challenge! Always a tough thing. Good for you on not caring what others ate and just enjoying your time out with friends.

    Keep up the great work :)

  2. Thanks, Paul! I've now made it through the majority of the weekend, and I haven't eaten any of the goodies that have been around the house, including the puppy chow. :) After only one week I've noticed some positive changes in my body, and that keeps me going. I appreciate you reading my blog and your encouraging words.
